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Utility and infrastructure upgrades near Steveston bring improvements, and traffic impacts

Published 12:18 PDT, Thu July 4, 2024
Last Updated: 12:20 PDT, Thu July 4, 2024
Several capital projects to upgrade utilities and infrastructure are coming to the Steveston area this summer. These projects will allow the continued delivery of high quality services including drinking water, sewage management and a robust active transportation pathway network.
With this work, comes traffic impacts in and around the Steveston area. Drivers are advised to take alternate routes if possible to avoid areas noted below.
Sanitary Sewer Construction
Metro Vancouver’s Gilbert Road Sewer upgrade
- A multi-year project to twin the sewer pipe system that collects most of the sewage in Richmond and conveys it to the Lulu Island Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Located along Gilbert Road from Dyke Road (to treatment plant) to Blundell Road
- Gilbert Road and Steveston Highway intersection will be impacted 24/7 for the next few months.
- Impacts on drivers: Traffic will be limited to one lane each direction on Steveston Highway at the Gilbert Road Intersection for the upcoming months. Drivers should expect delays travelling North and South on Gilbert for the duration of the project.
- Completion of project is scheduled for the end of 2025.
- Project contact: Metro Vancouver Community Liaison at 604-432-6200.
Watermain Construction
City of Richmond’s No. 2 Road Watermain upgrade
- This project will replace the existing watermain as it nears the end of its service life. The project will improve water supply to the area and will reduce maintenance costs.
- Location: No. 2 Road from Steveston Highway to Williams Road, starting at Steveston Highway and moving northward.
- Impacts on drivers: Since July 2, traffic has been limited to one lane each direction within the construction zone. Completion scheduled for December 2024.
Multi-Use Pathway Construction
The following three multi-use pathway projects will provide valuable links connecting existing pathways within the city’s cycling and pedestrian pathway network.
City of Richmond’s Steveston Multi Use pathway - Phases 1 and 2
- Located along Steveston Highway between No. 2 Road and Shell Road.
- Construction work will continue between Mortfield Gate and No. 2 Road and will progress west.
- Impacts on drivers: The Steveston Highway eastbound curb lane will be closed within the active construction zone 24/7.
- Completion is scheduled for December 2024.
City of Richmond’s No. 2 Road Multi-Use Pathway
- Located along No. 2 Road from Steveston Highway to Williams Road.
- Starting Construction July 2024, starting at Steveston Highway and moving northward.
- Impacts on drivers: The North bound curb land will be closed 24/7 within the construction zone.
- Completion is scheduled for the December 2024.
City of Richmond’s Steveston Multi Use Pathway - Phase 3
- Located along Steveston Highway between No. 2 Road and Railway Avenue.
- Impacts on drivers: The Steveston Highway eastbound curb land will be closed within the active construction zone 24/7.
- Starting Construction Fall 2024 – Scheduled Completion Summer 2025.
The city will post signage indicating alternate routes where necessary, which could include:
- No. 1 Road
- No. 3 Road
- Railway Avenue
- Dyke Road
- Williams Road
For more information on the city capital projects listed above, please email, or call the city at 604-276-4000.