BC led country in October job growth
Published 11:51 PST, Mon November 9, 2020
Last Updated: 2:13 PDT, Wed May 12, 2021
The Labour Force Survey for October produced some encouraging news for British Columbia.
With 33,500 new jobs last month, the province’s unemployment rate fell below the national average to eight per cent.
“Since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of British Columbia has focused on implementing measures to provide relief to those hardest hit and support a strong economic recovery for all British Columbians,” said Premier John Horgan. “This is the sixth consecutive month where we have seen significant job creation in BC, bringing total employment to 97.6 per cent of our pre-pandemic levels in February.”
But, Horgan added the the numbers, while welcome, do not fully reflect the continuing serious hardship in some sectors of the economy.
“We know there is much more to do as some businesses are still struggling,” he said. “First and foremost on all of our minds should be our collective efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and once again flatten the curve. British Columbia has proved the key to a strong economic recovery is effective management of public health and preventing the spread of this virus. We must redouble our efforts. We will get through this by working together.”