Underdog volleyball team wins silver

Published 10:58 PDT, Tue May 24, 2022
Last Updated: 12:37 PDT, Fri June 10, 2022
The 15U Air Attack Gold team wasn’t expecting to get much out of the 2022 Volleyball Canada Youth National Competition.
They entered the tournament, which took place in Edmonton May 18 to 21, with just seven players on their roster—one of whom was just returning from an ankle fracture.
On the first day, they lost every game. It would have been easy to give up. But the next day, after regrouping and trying out a new system of play along with new positions, they did an about-face and won all their games.
Despite beating the odds and making it to the Division 1, Tier 2 gold medal game against 204 Manitoba, the boys ran out of gas. Their hard work earned them well-deserved silver medals.
The team also rose 18 spots in the national rankings, finishing among the top 10 teams in Canada.