Register for outdoor fitness classes starting Monday

By Hannah Scott, Local Journalism Initiative reporter
Published 10:50 PDT, Fri June 26, 2020
Last Updated: 3:19 PDT, Mon July 20, 2020
Registration for Richmond’s outdoor fitness programs opens Monday at 10 a.m. Classes will start July 6.
A wide range of options are available through the city’s community centres: Zumba, kickboxing, yoga, pilates and more.
All classes will be held outdoors to adhere with public health guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic. Other protocols include physical distancing and no sharing of water bottles, towels, mats or other items.
Pre-registration is required for all classes, which can only be booked one week at a time. Drop-in attendance is not permitted.
Anyone registering should not have signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or experienced any in the previous 10 days. They must also not have returned from outside Canada in the previous 14 days or been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
To register, call 604-276-4300 or visit using your MyRichmond account. Anyone without one can set one up in advance at
Updates to the City’s Restoring Richmond Plan will be shared via the City website at and social media channels as they are confirmed.