Jets score Esso Medals

The Richmond Jets’ inaugural minor hockey season continues to be filled with highlights.
The Richmond Jets’ inaugural minor hockey season continues to be filled with highlights.
Just days after its Juvenile A1 team won the association’s first-ever provincial championship, the Jets learned they’d won the 2018-19 Esso Medals of Achievement—Score Big Contest.
Richmond was one of six associations chosen from among thousands of entries nation-wide.
The Jets will be presented with a $5,000 prize. An additional $1,000 donation will be presented to its Midget A1 team.
“We selected the Midget A1s for the team prize because they earned the opportunity to travel to Kelowna for the BC Hockey provincial championship,” explained president Carolyn Hart. “We knew the team would be faced with some substantial travel expenses in order to compete.”
Enjoying an outstanding season, the Midget A1 team, guided by head coach Derek Chichak, finished 1-4-1 at the provincial tournament.
Hart said the $5,000 association prize presented by Esso “is a welcome bonus” and will help outfit the Atom A, Peewee, Bantam, Midget and Juvenile teams in new jerseys next season.
“Every year, we register to receive Esso Medals of Achievement for our teams,” Hart said. “Each team gets three medals—one for their most dedicated player; one for their most improved player; and one for their most sportsmanlike player. The teams also receive certificates that they can present to their players. We never expected to win one of the grand prizes. It is a wonderful surprise.”