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From TV to Transit

By Joe Leary

Published 11:10 PST, Fri January 17, 2025

Last Updated: 11:11 PST, Fri January 17, 2025

It seems that Thor Diakow has had a penchant for the communications field ever since childhood.

In fact, as a ‘kid’ of the 80’s, he vividly recalls watching the 6 o’clock news with his parents on any given night. It would instill in him the narrative gene.

“The concept of telling visual stories and informing people about community and world issues while they sat in the comfort of their living rooms; through the medium of television always fascinated me,” he says. 

“In school, I was naturally comfortable with public speaking and always eager to talk in front of an audience.”

Following completion of the acclaimed BCIT Broadcast Journalism program in 2003, a radio career was born as Thor embarked upon the media biz as a producer at News Talk AM 980 CKNW.

“Over the next three years at the station I worked on various talk shows with different hosts, while gaining first-hand experience in the radio world”.

It wasn’t long before he parlayed that broadcast experience into a multi-year career as associate producer and on-air contributor on City-TV’s long-running morning news-based information chat show, Breakfast Television Vancouver.

“After several years in radio I was interested in making the jump to TV and thanks to some serendipitous timing, an associate producer position opened up at Breakfast Television.

Diakow acknowledges that this foray into live television was equal parts thrilling and terrifying.

“Switching media formats represented a huge learning curve for me; thankfully, I was surrounded by a supportive team and many of my existing broadcasting skills were easily transferred”.

During the next 14 years in that capacity Diakow’s role involved entertainment reporting, movie reviews and celebrity gossip items; all dispersed over the course of three hours of daily, live programming each weekday morning.

“My main duties initially were booking interesting and dynamic guests for the morning show, including gathering relevant research and providing talking points. 

“I was also responsible for finding newsworthy or quirky topics for our hosts to chat about each day. 

“Eventually, my role on the show expanded and I became part of the on-air team. 

“By then, my routine also included traffic reporting, interviewing guests, and contributing to different daily interactive segments. 

“Everyone in front of and behind the cameras was part of our own little TV family”.

Thor’s role also involved screening films and periodically attending international press junkets to interview the respective casts.  

“As the morning show's resident film critic, I got to see a lot of new movies over the years. 

“Through this part of my job I also had opportunities to travel to cities like Los Angeles; New York and New Orleans to interview celebrities—including Margot Robbie, Russell Crowe, and Antonia Banderas. 

“Another big highlight was covering Vancouver's nightlife at the many diverse venues around town during the 2010 Winter Olympics.

“It was an unforgettable two weeks for the city and a very special event to experience”. 

But as with so many things media-related; Breakfast Television Vancouver was cancelled in November 2020, resulting in layoffs.

“I always like to say, "At least I went down with the ship. 

“The economic aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic; the emergence of new technologies and significant shifts in the overall news landscape hit the local broadcasting industry hard.

“Some of these repercussions continue throughout the media world today”.

Diakow is now one of TransLink’s Senior Media Relations Advisers.

“After over 15 years in the broadcasting biz it was time for a change,” he says.

“I sought work in the corporate communications field; an area where I felt I could apply most of my skills acquired over the years. 

“This eventually led to my current position at TransLink where I have worked since 2022. 

“Today, my many duties include giving media interviews, organizing media-oriented events, writing news releases and managing various issues”.

He’s also a proud Richmond resident and as such, gets to readily utilize the public transit company he works for.

“I am a frequent rider of the Canada Line and appreciate how public transit connects our growing region. 

“Having grown up in West Richmond I'm so grateful to now raise a family here that I still call ‘home’.

“And as a nature lover and birdwatcher; I often take my two daughters to Terra Nova, Garry Point and Richmond Nature Park”.  

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