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Go, fly a kite

Just who invented the kite isn’t clear. But there’s no debating the enthusiasm of those who fly them.
Just who invented the kite isn’t
clear. But there’s no debating the enthusiasm of those who fly them.
Generally credited as the
invention of fifth century BC Chinese philosophers Mozi and Lu Ban, the
creative art that makes kites unique, and the art of flying them, can be
plainly traced to ancient Asia.
The British Columbia Kitefliers
Association recently held its annual Pacific Rim Festival over two days in
mid-June at Garry Point Park.
Founded in 1980, the non-profit
organization is dedicated to promoting interest and participation in the making
and flying of kites. The June 15 and 16 event, the club’s 44th annual Pacific
Rim Festival, not only featured some spectacular kites of all shapes and sizes
taking to the air, but also a kite-making workshop, kite flying demonstrations,
displays and candy and teddy bear drops.
Anyone interested in learning
about kites, or flying them, is encouraged to contact the association. And all
ages and all levels of kite expertise are welcome. Members get together for
fly-ins and workshops and take part in kite festivals throughout the province
and indeed Canada as well as neighbouring U.S. states. On occasion, they’ve
even ventured to other parts of the world to share their love for flying kites.
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