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Saturday spent at Farm Fest

Despite the cloudy weather and showers on Saturday, hundreds still turned out to enjoy the annual Farm Fest on the Garden City Lands.
Despite the cloudy weather and
showers on Saturday, hundreds still turned out to enjoy the annual Farm Fest on
the Garden City Lands.
Farm Fest pays homage to Richmond’s
agricultural history, rooted from the attraction of its fertile soil for its
early settlers. Richmond’s soil has allowed for an abundance of healthy crops
over the years and presently as well.
To appreciate Richmond’s
agriculture, Farm Fest allows the community to take a glimpse of the farmer’s
lifestyle. The annual festival consists of a farmers’ market of locally grown
food, agricultural displays, children’s activities, local entertainment, and
food trucks.
Being a city that promotes the
idea of self-sustainability to its community, it’s interesting to note how the
world has gone full circle when it comes to its views on sustainability.